Lesson 2: Getting started with SubQuery
Lesson 2: Getting started with SubQuery
It’s the high time we start coding. Let’s build our first SubQuery project with the help of SubQuery CLI!
In this lesson, we will:
- Initialise the project through SubQuery CLI
- Get familiar with the project structure
- Index EVM events
- Deploy the project locally with docker
1. Preparation
Environment and dependencies
- Typescript is required to compile project and define types.
- Both SubQuery CLI and generated Project have dependencies and require Node.
- You will also need Yarn or NPM and Docker.
Installation of the SubQuery CLI
Install SubQuery CLI globally on your terminal with NPM:
npm install -g @subql/cli
Note that we don't encourage the use of yarn global for installing @subql/cli due to its poor dependency management. This may lead to multiple errors.
Then check the subql cli
version by running the given below command:
subql -v
Run help to see available commands provided by SubQuery CLI:
subql help
2. Initialise the SubQuery Starter Project
Inside the directory in which you want to create the SubQuery project run the following command and follow all the steps chosing project name, GitHub repo addres, network family, rpc endpoint and more. Follow steps from the video.
Find out more about initialisation of SubQuery projects in our Quick Start Guide.
subql init project-name
Remember that, everything in the project configuration can by changed afterwards as well.
Then you should see a folder with your project name has been created inside the directory, you can use this as the start point of your project. And the files should be identical as in the Directory Structure.
3. SubQuery Project Structure
If you want to change your project and go beyond the default content of any starter project built with SubQuery CLI, you will need to work on the following files:
- The Manifest in
to configure your project. - The GraphQL Schema in
to define shape of the data. - The Mapping functions in
src/mappings/ directory
to transform data coming from blockchain.
Find out more about Manifest and GraphQl Schema and Mapping functions in our documentation.
In this first lesson there is no code alternation.
After the initialisation of the starter project your files should look like this:
specVersion: 1.0.0
name: moonbeam-evm-starter
version: 0.0.1
name: "@subql/node"
version: ">=0.35.0"
name: "@subql/query"
version: ">=0.16.0"
description: Moonbeam / SubQuery Course — Building dApps with the help of SubQuery
repository: "https://github.com/subquery/tutorials-frontier-evm-starter"
file: ./schema.graphql
chainId: "0x401a1f9dca3da46f5c4091016c8a2f26dcea05865116b286f60f668207d1474b"
endpoint: "wss://moonriver.api.onfinality.io/public-ws"
dictionary: "https://api.subquery.network/sq/subquery/moonriver-dictionary"
file: ./dist/chaintypes.js
- kind: substrate/FrontierEvm
startBlock: 752073
file: ./node_modules/@subql/frontier-evm-processor/dist/bundle.js
abi: erc20
address: "0x6bd193ee6d2104f14f94e2ca6efefae561a4334b"
file: ./erc20.abi.json
file: ./dist/index.js
- handler: handleFrontierEvmEvent
kind: substrate/FrontierEvmEvent
- "Transfer(address indexed from,address indexed to,uint256 value)"
- null
- null
- null
- handler: handleFrontierEvmCall
kind: substrate/FrontierEvmCall
function: "approve(address to,uint256 value)"
Schema GraphQl
type Transaction @entity {
id: ID! # Transaction hash
value: BigInt!
to: String!
from: String!
contractAddress: String!
type Approval @entity {
id: ID! # Transaction hash
value: BigInt!
owner: String!
spender: String!
contractAddress: String!
Mapping functions
import { Approval, Transaction } from "../types";
import {
} from "@subql/frontier-evm-processor";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
// Setup types from ABI
type TransferEventArgs = [string, string, BigNumber] & {
from: string;
to: string;
value: BigNumber;
type ApproveCallArgs = [string, BigNumber] & {
_spender: string;
_value: BigNumber;
export async function handleFrontierEvmEvent(
event: FrontierEvmEvent<TransferEventArgs>,
): Promise<void> {
const transaction = new Transaction(event.transactionHash);
transaction.value = event.args.value.toBigInt();
transaction.from = event.args.from;
transaction.to = event.args.to;
transaction.contractAddress = event.address;
await transaction.save();
export async function handleFrontierEvmCall(
event: FrontierEvmCall<ApproveCallArgs>,
): Promise<void> {
const approval = new Approval(event.hash);
approval.owner = event.from;
approval.value = event.args._value.toBigInt();
approval.spender = event.args._spender;
approval.contractAddress = event.to;
await approval.save();
4. Building the Project
Install dependencies
Under the project directory, install the node dependencies by running the following command:
yarn install
npm install
Generate Associated Typescript
Next, generate the associated typescript with the following command:
yarn codegen
npm run-script codegen
Build the Project
Next, use following command to bundle the app into static files for production:
yarn build
npm run-script build
5. Indexing and Query
Run Docker
Under the project directory run following command:
yarn start:docker
This will download packages from Docker, create a new Postgres database, and start an indexing an query service.
When you are doing it for the first time, it may take some time to start.
Query this Project
Open your browser and head to http://localhost:3000.
You should see a GraphQL playground is showing in the explorer and the schemas that ready to query. With this project can try to query with the following code to get a taste of how it works.
query {
approvals(first: 5) {
nodes {
transactions(first: 5) {
nodes {
to: id
from: id