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Substrate WASM Support

SubQuery TeamAbout 3 min

Substrate WASM Support

We provide a custom data source processor for Substrate WASM contractopen in new window. This offers a simple way to filter and index both WASM and Substrate activity on many Polkadot networks within a single SubQuery project.

Check out the Quick Start Guide

There is a friendly quick start guide that introduces SubQuery's Substrate WASM support by using an example project in Astar Network. This guide covers most of the topics shown in the following guide in a format more easy to understand. You can return here when you need specific technical support for the Substrate WASM data source processor.

You can also refer to the basic Substrate WASM example projects with an event and call handler. This project is also hosted live in the SubQuery Explorer hereopen in new window.

Getting started

  1. Add the custom datasource as a dependency. Create a new project from an WASM starter template though subql init OR for existing projects, yarn add -D @subql/substrate-wasm-processor.
  2. Import processor file to your project.ts like below
import { WasmDatasource } from "@subql/substrate-wasm-processor";

const project: SubstrateProject<WasmDatasource> = {
  dataSources: [
      // This is the datasource for Astar's Wasm processor
      kind: "substrate/Wasm",
      startBlock: 3281780,
      processor: {
        file: "./node_modules/@subql/substrate-wasm-processor/dist/bundle.js",
        options: {
          abi: "erc20",
          contract: "bZ2uiFGTLcYyP8F88XzXa13xu5Mmp13VLiaW1gGn7rzxktc", // Mainnet,
      assets: new Map([["erc20", { file: "./abis/erc20Metadata.abi.json" }]]),
      mapping: {...},
  1. Add a custom data source as described below.
  2. Add handlers for the custom data source to your code.

Data Source Spec

kindsubstrate/WasmYesType of the datasource
processor.file'./node_modules/@subql/substrate-wasm-processor/dist/bundle.jsYesFile reference to the data processor code
processor.optionsProcessorOptionsNoOptions specific to the WASM Processor
assets{ [key: String]: { file: String }}NoAn object of external asset files

Processor Options

abiStringNoThe ABI/Metadata that is used by the processor to parse arguments. MUST be a key of assets
contractString or nullNoA contract address where the event is from or call is made to. null will capture contract creation calls

Call Handlers

Works in the same way as substrate/CallHandler except with a different handler argument and minor filtering changes.

kindsubstrate/WasmCallYesSpecifies that this is an Call type handler
filterCall FilterNoFilter the data source to execute

Call Filters

selectorString0x681266a0Selectoropen in new window identifies a method
methodStringapproveThe label for the message, same as the function called on the contract
fromString0x6bd193ee6d2104f14f94e2ca6efefae561a4334bThe sender, a Substrate Account that submitted the transaction

Handler Functions

Unlike a normal handler you will not get a SubstrateExtrinsic as the parameter, instead you will use substrate/WasmCall and receive WasmCall as the parameter.

The WasmCall includes following data:

  from: Address; // An Substrate Account that submitted the transaction
  dest: Address; // The contract address been called
  gasLimit: Weight; // Gas limit for this contract
  storageDepositLimit: Option<Compact<u128>>;
  data: {args: T; message: AbiMessage} | string; // The data passed from this contract, with its arguments and message body
  selector: string; // Contract selector, identifies the method been called
  success: boolean; // Success state
  value: BalanceOf;
  // ... and more
import { Approval } from "../types";
import { WasmCall } from "@subql/substrate-wasm-processor";
import { Balance, AccountId } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime";

// Setup types from ABI
type ApproveCallArgs = [AccountId, Balance];

export async function handleWasmCall(
  call: WasmCall<ApproveCallArgs>,
): Promise<void> {
  const approval = new Approval(`${call.blockNumber}-${call.idx}`);
  approval.hash = call.hash;
  approval.owner = call.from.toString();
  if (typeof !== "string") {
    const [spender, value] =;
    approval.spender = spender.toString();
    approval.value = value.toBigInt();
  } else {`Decode call failed ${call.hash}`);
  approval.contractAddress = call.dest.toString();

Event Handlers

Works in the same way as substrate/EventHandler except with a different handler argument and minor filtering changes.

kindsubstrate/WasmEventYesSpecifies that this is an Event type handler
filterEvent FilterNoFilter the data source to execute

Event Filters

fromStringYeuN6quBhpFnd5DyWNCrwGvpyBgq51Q3nbVMSsQJ6toPXSfThe sender of the contract call which trigger this contract event
contractStringa6Yrf6jAPUwjoi5YvvoTE4ES5vYAMpV55ZCsFHtwMFPDx7HA contract address where the event is from
identifierStringTransferThe label of the event, it identifies the event type in the contract

Handler Functions

Unlike a normal handler you will not get a SubstrateEvent as the parameter, instead you will get a substrate/WasmEvent with WasmEvent as its parameter. The WasmEvent includes following data:

  from: string; // An Substrate Account that triggered this event
  contract: AccountId; // A contract address where the event is from
  eventIndex: number; // The event index in its Abi
  identifier?: string | undefined; // The label of the event
  args?: T | undefined; // The argument of the events, contains data to extract in mapping
  transactionHash: string; // Transaction hash of this event
  // ... and more
import { Transaction } from "../types";
import { WasmEvent } from "@subql/substrate-wasm-processor";
import { Balance, AccountId } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime";
import { Option } from "@polkadot/types-codec";

// Setup types from ABI
type TransferEventArgs = [Option<AccountId>, Option<AccountId>, Balance];

export async function handleSubstrateWasmEvent(
  event: WasmEvent<TransferEventArgs>,
): Promise<void> {
  const [from, to, value] = event.args;
  const transaction = new Transaction(
  transaction.transactionHash = event.transactionHash;
  transaction.value = value.toBigInt();
  transaction.from = from.toString(); = to.toString();
  transaction.contractAddress = event.contract.toString();

Data Source Example

This is an extract from the project.ts manifest file.

  dataSources: [
      // This is the datasource for Astar's Native Substrate processor
      kind: "substrate/Wasm",
      // This is the datasource for Astar's Wasm processor
      startBlock: 3281780,
      processor: {
        file: "./node_modules/@subql/substrate-wasm-processor/dist/bundle.js",
        options: {
          abi: "erc20",
          // contract: "a6Yrf6jAPUwjoi5YvvoTE4ES5vYAMpV55ZCsFHtwMFPDx7H" // Shibuya
          contract: "bZ2uiFGTLcYyP8F88XzXa13xu5Mmp13VLiaW1gGn7rzxktc", // Mainnet,
      assets: new Map([["erc20", { file: "./abis/erc20Metadata.abi.json" }]]),
      mapping: {
        file: "./dist/index.js",
        handlers: [
            handler: "handleWasmEvent",
            kind: "substrate/WasmEvent",
            filter: {
              // contract: "a6Yrf6jAPUwjoi5YvvoTE4ES5vYAMpV55ZCsFHtwMFPDx7H" // Shibuya
              contract: "bZ2uiFGTLcYyP8F88XzXa13xu5Mmp13VLiaW1gGn7rzxktc", // Mainnet
              identifier: "Transfer",
            handler: "handleWasmCall",
            kind: "substrate/WasmEvent",
            filter: {
              selector: "0x681266a0",
              method: "approve",

Querying contracts

SubstrateWasmProvideropen in new window provides contract query method like getStorage and call.

Known Limitations

  • Does not support dynamic datasources at the moment, which means we are unable to import and handle contracts dynamically.