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Module 2: SubQuery Basics

SubQuery TeamAbout 4 min

Module 2: SubQuery Basics

This module explains the working of the basic files of a SubQuery Project with an example. The module is divided into 3 short video lessons, each describing the usage of these files an what modfications you may need to do.

Refer to the documentation references, given at the end of the each lesson, for an in-depth explanation.

Lesson 1: The Manifest File

Documentation Reference:

The manifest file

Lesson 2: The Schema File

Documentation Reference:

GraphQL Schema

Lesson 3: The Mappings File - Block Handler

Documentation Reference:

Block Handler

Lesson 4: The Mappings File - Event Handler

Documentation Reference:

Event Handler

Lesson 5: The Mappings File - Call Handler

Documentation Reference:

Call Handler

Exercise - Account Balances

Using the starter project for this exercise, we will use an event handler to extract the balance of each account.


Overview of Steps Involved

  1. Initialise the starter project.
  2. Update your mappings, manifest file, and graphql schema file by removing all the default code except for the handleEvent function.
  3. Generate, build, and deploy your code.
  4. Deploy your code in Docker.
  5. Query for address balances in the playground.

Detailed Steps

Step 1: Initialise Your Project

The first step is to create a SubQuery project with the following command:

$ subql init
Project name [subql-starter]: account-balance
? Select a network family Substrate
? Select a network Polkadot
? Select a template project subql-starter     Starter project for subquery
RPC endpoint: [wss://]:
Git repository []:
Fetching network genesis hash... done
Author [Ian He & Jay Ji]:
Description [This project can be use as a starting po...]:
Version [1.0.0]:
License [MIT]:
Preparing project... done
account-balance is ready

Step 2: Update the Graphql Schema

The default schema.graphql file contains 5 fields. Rename the field2 to account and field3 to balance. In addition, rename the entity to Account.


Whenever you update the manifest file, don’t forget to update the reference to field1 in the mappings file and to regenerate the code via yarn codegen.

  • The schema file should look like this:
type Account @entity {
  id: ID! #id is a required field
  account: String #This is a Polkadot address
  balance: BigInt # This is the amount of DOT

Step 3: Update the Manifest File (aka project.yaml)

The initialisation command also pre-creates a sample manifest file and defines 3 handlers. Because we are only focusing on Events, let’s remove handleBlockand handleCall from the mappings file.


Avoid messing with the auto-generated version names(as shown in the initial section of the manifest file).

  • The updated part of the manifest file should look like this:

  chainId: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3'
  endpoint: 'wss://'
  dictionary: ''
  #genesisHash: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3'
  - kind: substrate/Runtime
    startBlock: 1
      file: ./dist/index.js
        - handler: handleEvent
          kind: substrate/EventHandler
            module: balances
            method: Deposit


Comment out genesisHash by prefixing with #. This is not required for now.

Step 4: Update the Mappings File

The initialisation command pre-creates a sample mappings file with 3 functions: handleBlock, handleEvent, and handleCall. Since you will only focus on handleEvent, let’s delete the remaining functions.

You need to make a few other changes as well. Since the Account entity (formally called the StarterEntity) was instantiated in the handleBlock function but you no longer have this, you have to instantiate this within your handleEvent function. You also need to update the argument that you pass to the constructor.

let record = new Account(event.extrinsic.block.block.header.hash.toString());
  • The mappingHandler.ts file should look like this:
import {SubstrateEvent} from "@subql/types";
import {Account} from "../types";
import {Balance} from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";

export async function handleEvent(event: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
    const {event: {data: [account, balance]}} = event;
     //Create a new Account entity with ID using block hash
    let record = new Account(event.extrinsic.block.block.header.hash.toString());
    // Assign the Polkadot address to the account field
    record.account = account.toString();
    // Assign the balance to the balance field "type cast as Balance"
    record.balance = (balance as Balance).toBigInt();

Step 5: Install the Dependencies

Install the node dependencies by running the following commands:

yarn install

Step 6: Generate the Associated Typescript

Next, let's generate the associated typescript with the following command:

yarn codegen

Step 7: Build the Project

The next step is to build the project with the command as follows:

yarn build

This code bundles the app into static files for production.

Step 8: Start the Docker Container

Run the docker command to pull the images and to start the container.

docker-compose pull & docker-compose up

Step 9: Run a Query

Once the docker container is up to date and starts running, which might take a few minutes, open up your browser and navigate to www.localhost:3000.

This will open up a “playground” where you can create your query. Copy the example below:

query {
  accounts(first:10 orderBy:BALANCE_DESC){

If you have nothing returned, wait for a few minutes and let your node index a few blocks.

Here, we have queried for the balance of DOT tokens for all addresses (accounts) on the Polkadot Mainnet blockchain. We have limited this to the first 10 and sorted it by the “richest” account holders first.


Try to aggregate the balances across addresses and find the total balance of an address.
